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Fiction / Women > Dying to Decorate

Dying to Decorate

By Cyndy Salzmann

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Publish Date

June 01, 2005


Fiction / Christian / Suspense
Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths


Just as The Babysitter’s Club series successfully captured a generation of young girls, Cyndy Salzmann’s Friday Afternoon Club series lays claim to moms who cherish long-standing friendship…and a bit of mystery.

While juggling the responsibilities of carpool, laundry, and ballet lessons, this group of close friends find time to act as sleuths, unraveling mysteries, and gaining spiritual truths along the way. Readers will readily identify with these richly drawn characters caught in the chaos of raising a family, maintaining friendships, and sorting out the items of intrigue that draws them in.
Cindy Salzmann is a wife and mother who does much of her writing on the back of fast food wrappers -- usually while waiting to pick up her children. Desperate for an excuse to avoid laundry, she has written three Christian nonfiction books, launched a national speaking career, and taught her children how to sort colors. Dying to Decorate is her first novel and first book of the Friday Afternoon Club Mystery series. Cyndy and her family live in Omaha, Nebraska.

ISBN: 9781582294551
Format: Paperback
Pages: 282
Publisher: Howard Books
Published: June 01, 2005