A SMALL BEAR WITH BIG ADVENTURES It's a boring, rainy afternoon -- the perfect time for Teddy Bear to share his scrapbook of memories with the little girls who owns him. And what memories Teddy Bear has! He's ridden a bucking bronco in the rodeo, been an ace crime reporter -- he's even starred in a movie! No wonder he's a bit worn and shabby. For an ordinary little girl with flat brown hair, it's hard to imagine being important to someone with Teddy's glamorous past. But there's always room in Teddy's life -- and his scrapbook -- for someone who loves him just the way he is.
James Howe is the author of more than ninety books for young readers. Bunnicula, coauthored by his late wife Deborah and published in 1979, is considered a modern classic of children’s literature. The author has written six highly popular sequels, along with the spinoff series Tales from the House of Bunnicula and Bunnicula and Friends. Among his other books are picture books such as Horace and Morris but Mostly Dolores and beginning reader series that include the Pinky and Rex and Houndsley and Catina books. He has also written for older readers. The Misfits, published in 2001, inspired the nationwide antibullying initiative No Name-Calling Week, as well as three sequels, Totally Joe, Addie on the Inside, and Also Known as Elvis. A common theme in James Howe’s books from preschool through teens is the acceptance of difference and being true to oneself. Visit him online at JamesHowe.com.